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Federal PaymentBusinessHow It Works

For Personal: For Business:
Business: How It Works - Questions
Business: How It Works - Answers
1. What payment options can I use to pay my taxes?
We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover Network, and American Express credit and debit cards.

To make a debit card payment you can use a MasterCard or Visa Debit Card or any debit card with Nyce, Pulse or Star logos.
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2. Who can use this system?
Business taxpayers who have a balance due for electronically filed or paper filed Form 940 and 940-PR, Employer's Annual Tax Return and for Form 941, 941-PR and 941-SS, Employer's Quarterly Tax Return, Form 943 and 943-PR, Employer's Annual Federal Return for Agricultural Employees, Form 945 Annual Return of Withheld Federal Income Tax, for the current tax year, for prior years and for Installment Agreements may use this system. Taxpayers may use this system to pay their balance due on Form 944, 944-PR, 944-SP and Form 944-SS, Employer's Annual Federal Tax Return, for the current tax year and prior years and for Valid Amended or Adjusted Returns for 940, 941, 943, 944, 945 series (to include Form 940X, 941X, Form 941X-PR, Form 943X, Form 943X-PR, Form 944X, Form 944X-PR, Form 944X-SP and Form 945X, when available). Additionally, taxpayers may use this system to pay their balance due for Form 1041 series, current year and prior years, 1065 series, current year and prior years, and 2290 series, current year and prior years.

With the exception of Amended or Adjusted payments, this service cannot be used to make required federal tax deposits. Deposits can only be made through an authorized financial institution or the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS).
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3. What is an EIN?
An EIN, the Employer Identification Number, is an assigned nine-digit number used to identify a business tax account to the IRS. You must use an EIN when making a business tax payment.

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4. If I paid my business taxes through ACI Payments, Inc., do I still have to file the associated paper form?
If you are paying your federal business taxes, you still have to file the associated tax return either electronically or through the mail. If you are making an Installment Agreement or a Prior Tax Year payment, you do not have to submit a payment voucher.

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5. How does the IRS determine whether my payment was made on time or not?
The IRS will consider the date you made the payment, which is the date your payment was authorized by your card issuer, as the payment date. Your payment will be considered timely if it is made by midnight of the return due date.

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6. Can I use more than one card to make my payment?
Yes. However, you must successfully complete two separate transactions and received two separate confirmation numbers.

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7. What will I receive as a confirmation number?
If you pay via the Internet, you will receive a digital receipt from ACI Payments, Inc. confirming that your card issuer has authorized your payment. You should print out the digital receipt and keep it with your tax records as it contains your confirmation number.

If you pay via telephone, you will receive a confirmation number at the end of your transaction, confirming that your payment has been authorized. You should write down the confirmation number and keep it with your tax records. Only authorizations issued by either ACI Payments, Inc. Internet or IVR System are valid.

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8. What do I do with the confirmation number I received? How will the IRS know I made my payment thru ACI Payments, Inc.?
For Forms 940, 941, 943, 944, 945, 1041, 1065 and 2290 record the confirmation number and keep it with your tax records. When the IRS receives your return in the mail or your electronically filed return, they will match the Employer Identification Number (EIN) on the return to the EIN provided in the electronic payment record they received from ACI Payments, Inc.

When paying thru ACI Payments, Inc., be sure to provide the Employer Identification Number of the primary filer. The IRS matches the payments to the Employer Identification Number of the primary filer. Click here to see "How It Works".

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9. How do I notify the IRS that I paid my business taxes through ACI Payments, Inc.?
When the IRS receives your return in the mail or electronically, they will match your Employer Identification Number (EIN) on the form you filled out to an electronic record that they receive from ACI Payments, Inc. of your telephone or Internet based tax payments. Click here to see "How It Works".

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10. How can I verify that my IRS tax payment was made correctly?
There are two ways in which you can verify that your payment was made correctly.

1). You simply click here for payment verification (you will need your Employer Identification Number [EIN] and either your payment amount or the last four digits of your card account number.

2). You can call 1-877-754-4413 and select Option 3. You will need your Employer Identification Number (EIN) and your payment amount to verify your payment.

In some instances, the IRS will reject a payment. This happens because the Employer Identification Number (EIN) you entered does not match the EIN maintained in their records. If the IRS rejects your payment, ACI Payments, Inc. will notify you. For this reason, it is imperative that you provide us with current contact information during the payment process.

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11. If I attempt to verify my payment within the timeframe noted and have my Employer Identification Number (EIN) and payment information, but still can't get a verification that the payment was made, is there another way to check if my payment was made?
Yes. Call ACI Payments, Inc. Customer Service Department at 1-866-964-2552.

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12. Who do I call if my payment doesn't show up on my card statement?
Call ACI Payments, Inc. Customer Service Department at 1-866-964-2552.

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13. How do I determine the penalties on a late business tax payment?
For penalties and interest information, you can refer to IRS Publication 15 (Circular E), Employer's Tax Guide, go to www.irs.gov or call IRS at 1-800-829-4933.

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14. Who do I call if I have questions about my business taxes?
You can call the IRS at 1-800-829-4933 if you have questions about your business taxes.

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15. What do I do once my payment is completed?
Record the confirmation number and keep it with your tax records. When the IRS receives your return in the mail or your electronically filed return, they will match the Employer Identification Number (EIN) on the return to the EIN provided in the electronic payment record they received from ACI Payments, Inc.

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16. Who do I contact to establish an Installment Agreement Plan?
Only the IRS can authorize an Installment Agreement Plan. You must submit an Installment Agreement Request to the IRS at www.irs.gov, or you may contact the IRS at 1-800-829-4933.

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